Daily Archives: September 13, 2006

Mid life crisis?!?!

I was over at Barngoddess page and she posted about a mid life crisis…well i had originally posted this over on my myspace page…and I thought that I would share with the rest of you of this…Barngoddess, you are not alone!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

?!? Mid-Life Crisis?!?
Current mood: contemplative
Category: Life

So, as my title states, I’m having a Mid-Life crisis, and um..I’m not even in my mid life yet. This sucks big time.

I all the sudden just want to up and leave the ‘Ville (this would be bad?!?!) and move to Washington state, because 1. it is a beautiful state, and 2. my bestest friend in the whole world (besides laura, who doesn’t even think to get a myspace well infact neither does Diana, pfftt…on you bitches!! LOL)Diana, lives there. I miss her something terrible.

So, I discuss this with my parents last weekend over the holiday (it wasn’t much of a holiday…although I did get a 3 day weekend, woohoo!). The response I got out of my mother was not the one I was expecting, and bracing myself for. I was expecting, the whole 9 yards, you know that whys and shouldn’ts of going. But, instead, I got this, “Well, that’s a awful long ways away, you know your dad and I won’t ever make it up there, but if you think you can handle coming back only 1 or 2 times a year, go for it.” *hmmm Scratching my head* This IS NOT MY MOTHER…I almost looked at her and asked “Um…where did the Mother I grew up with go?” But I didn’t want to ruin a good thing, lol.

So, now I’m sitting here in my little ass apartment thinking, how in the hell am I going to to pull this off? You see when I went away to college, mind you it was only 2 1/2 hours away, I couldn’t even stay the whole week I had to come home on the weekends, not because I missed the fam, so much, well yes, what can I say it was because I missed the fam…I’m so TOTALLY a family person!! I’m wierd, I can’t do anything on my own…lol…and I’m 26 almost 27, this is really sad, I really need to get a life.

K, back to my mid-life crisis. I want to totally change my looks, like hair, weight ect. Well who doesn’t? You may ask, good question you. But this is NOT me, any one of my friends and co-workers (who are my friends , luv ya girlies! they all are on my friends list, lol) know this isn’t me. I don’t just “do things to do them” but um…I am about to totally change the way I look, well at least hair wise, I can’t loos 75 pounds over night, damn I’d be rich if I could find out away though!

I’m not like gonna move tomorrow or anything, that is something you have to have MONEY for, and that is something I’m lacking…damnit! I can’t seem to save a penny, it sucks. I like get my pay check, and BAM, it’s gone in 2 days. Damn bills, I HATE EM. Anyways, I will eventually do this transition to a new state across the country, move 28 hours away, but right now I just can’t. It’s seeing everyone doing what they really want to do, kinda gets to me, I need to be that person who can “do something just to do it” instead of being the person who always takes the “safe route”. I’m so lame sometimes, I say “live life, and have fun while you can” but yet, I don’t do it myself. GRRRRR….maybe I just need to get up and move….


Filed under daily life


Interesting title huh?!?! Well I couldn’t think up a better one, sorry! I’m having one of my “blonde” days today.

SO J and I are gonna “hang out” on saturday, we have not a clue as to what we are gonna do. I don’t know if this will be anything other than 2 people who used to date, just hanging out to hang out…lol.

Sorry I really haven’t “posted” in the last week or so. There really isn’t much going on, I’m still trying to overcome my recent bout with the stomach flu, which I don’t know if it actually was or not.

I haven’t slept well the last couple of nights…it’s was FREEZING in my house last night!! GOOD GAWD!! I may have Friday off YIPEE. Other than that no new news…phooey!!!

TAH TAH FOR NOW!!! Oh I took of the Adopt an egg off the side bar, i got a dud it didn’t hatch…damnit!

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